We already know what is Customer Service,right?
Non-bias,Consistent and cost effective Provision and delivery
(of higher value than expected) to every person in need of your
products or Services in timely manner ensuring quality, accuracy and
impeccable after sales support.
I used traditional interpretation of Culture.
It is a learned pattern of behavior which brings us together and ways in which we live our life.
The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.
Connections: the arts, the humanities, intellectual achievement; literature, music, painting, philosophy, the performing arts.
Connecting human to culture: intellectual/artistic awareness, education, cultivation, enlightenment, good taste, taste, refinement, polish, sophistication.
Culture and civilization: society, way of life, lifestyle; customs, traditions, heritage, habits, ways, mores, values.
Culture and cultivation, farming; agriculture, husbandry, agronomy.
Lets join them together:
The Organizational habit in Provision and delivery of Consistent and cost effective products or Services, in Traditional timely manner ensuring quality, accuracy , added higher value than expected and
impeccable after sales support.
Organizational Customer Service Culture starts with:
Foundation - A refined collective understanding and appreciation of Customer Service attitude and behaviors.
Building Blocks - Aligned Company and individual habits and Company vision in delivering Customer Service.
Support fame - Organizational Customer Service Education and training.
Customer Service Culture Foundation
Before we start building a frame and putting blocks together, as for every building and every structure, we must build the ground and foundation. Once you have the foundation right, structural building blocks fit in place just where they belong.
There is 11 main key elements of Customer Service Culture foundation, which supports the development of organizational habits and tradition.
- Aligned Company and personal Values and behaviors : Live,Love, Breathe Customer Service - Respect,Growth,Efficiency,Trust,Mutual Interest,Working together
- High level of Passion and love about product or services that you are delivering - Believe in your product and encourage employee involvement in product and services development as much as possible.From CEO to front line employees high level of product and services knowledge is a must : Know your products and services inside out.
- High level of tolerance - Everybody makes mistakes. Learning from your mistakes is high value asset. Make mistake,correct it and learn from it.
- High level of collaboration - Internal Customer Service. Encourage and Involve all company areas in Business development.Acknowledge and take serious consideration of all suggestions.
- Leadership instead of Management - Leading instead of Managing:Lead,motivate,encourage,empower! Lead by example and work with your staff. Encourage leadership involvement in working with front line personnel on regular basis. Avoid Micromanagement and totalitarian management system.
- Commitment to Customers and Customer Service delivery - Customer is a King! Policy that should be transparent from top to bottom of the ladder.
- Clear Company objectives ,strategies and goals :Company objectives, should be employee objectives too. Company development depends on staff involvement.You can fulfill your vision and company mission only if each and every staff member has a direct input in Company`s vision.
- Invest in your staff -Look after and Invest in your staff development and career advancement. Treat them as part of your family - you will have the same treatment.Trust them and they will trust you.Protect them and they will act in your best interest.
- Make promise- Keep promise : Customer Service is built on trust between your Company and your Customers. If you make promises- make sure you deliver.
- Maintaining superior Company Image, reputation and Integrity - Company image is of paramount importance which goes hand in hand with Company reputation and integrity. Image ,reputation and integrity is the deciding factor in gaining trust from your Customers.
- Open door policy for ideas: Encouraging and acknowledging your employees to submit their ideas, issues and business weaknesses is your asset - not burden
I will go over 11 key foundation elements in more details in my next post " Building the Foundation".
Bear in mind that they will tell everybody about good and bad but only bad will be remembered. Bad feedback spreads twice as fast from good feedback.- Dave
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